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2019 RM Taxes

The 2019 tax year has started within the RM of Coalfields and the following is some information that ratepayers may find useful when paying for their taxes this 2019 fiscal year.

Payment can be made by Cheque, Debit, Visa, Mastercard, and online banking with the following banks TD Bank and Affinity Credit Union.  Payments can also be made over the phone using a credit card.

Interest is added to all arrears effective January 1, and each month following at a rate of 1% per month.

The discount rates are as follows:

If Paid by September 30th – 5%

If Paid by October 31st – 3%

If Paid by November 30th – 1%

If Paid by December 31st – 0%

Please inform the RM Office @ 306-388-2323 of any changes/updates to address, phone number, email address or mortgage.

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