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Please find below link to the bylaws. Please view or download. You can contact the the RM office with questions and concerns.

Bylaw 2017-1

  • Provide to Entering into an Agreement for the Co-Ownership of Creighton Lodge

Bylaw 2017-2

  • To Provide for Operation of Certain Vehicles During Road Restrictions

Bylaw 2017-3

  • Extension of Time to Complete Financial Statements for 2016

Bylaw 2017-5

  • Establish Certain Fees and Charges for Financial Services

Bylaw 2017-6

  • Extend the Time for the Completion of the 2016 Financial Statements

Bylaw 2018-1

  • A Bylaw to extend the time required for the completion of the Assessment Roll

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Phone: 306-388-2323
Fax: 306-388-2330

RM of Coalfields No. 4
423 Main Street
Bienfait SK   S0C 0M0

Mailing Address:
PO Box 190
Bienfait SK   S0C 0M0

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